Weekly Meal Roundup!
Hello Lovelies!! This week is Alistair's first week back in Columbia, so YAY! We will be doing quite a bit more meal prepping/planning since he's home and I've got to also feed another adult human. For him, I made this Smoky Chicken Meal Prep , and it smelled amazing while I was cooking it on Sunday afternoon. We purchased some meal prep containers to put all his food in, and these fit perfectly into the bottom of his lunchbag. M O N D A Y B: Eggs, Yogurt, Fruit. L: Leftover's Jo's Table Salad from the Magnolia Table cookbook. D: I don't really have a recipe for tonight, but I do have an idea! I'm going to be making chicken coconut curry with garbanzo beans, broccoli, and eaten over rice. I got a taste of india coconut curry sauce at Aldi last week, and so I'm super excited to try it! T U E S D A Y B: Cereal L: Leftovers/Pb&J (As usual) D: Leftovers as well.. Alistair will eat with the guys at our Life Group, and the boys will pr...